I'm about to head for the largest Harley-Davidson dealer in the Twin Cities area and take some snapshots with the amazing digital camera my brother gave me last month.
I called and got very cheerful permission from the sales manager to go do this. Told him I'm an artist and I want to design a Harley mural and would like to take my own photos for reference.
"Sure!" he said. "Come on in!"
So we're off to a good start.
My plan is to take said photos and create a mockup or two of the kind of bike murals I've wanted to do for years now. Because nobody seems to quite register the fact that the Girl Who Paints Tropical Foliage actually LOVES large, loud metal things. Bikes and trucks and tractors and freight trains.
I need visual proof that this is a possibility, that I am capable of so much more than flowers and birds. I adore flowers and birds, but c'mon. An artist has to have some room to play.
My hope is that once the Harley folks have met me and I've made them curious enough to want to see what I do, something will develop from there. It may not, but this isn't a lottery I can win by sitting home.