Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sketch Book Post

Bride at the Como Conservatory, 8 x 10", charcoal and Conté pencils on paper.  I made this quick sketch while she was sitting for the photographer. June 12, 2010.  I was at the Conservatory with WARM, the Womens' Art Registry of Minnesota, for Warm Draw.

This is the statue I was drawing when the bride came in.  Approx. 9 x 6", charcoal pencils and white pastel on brown paper.

Sketch of Carlo, 9 x 9" mixed pencils and white pastel on paper.

Carlo is a Border Collie/Unknown mix I sketched at a local coffeehouse yesterday morning.  Quite the charmer, he was in constant motion and thus a challenging subject, but great fun.

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