Saturday, June 19, 2010

I got made into art last night ...

... because I sat for the portrait modeling session at Old Town Artists.  There were -- if I counted correctly -- thirteen other artists present, all staring at me.  More fun than it sounds, and I took some shots of a few of the resulting images.

Me, drawn in Conte on paper by Alec Smith. Click his name to get to his website.

Two fun drawings by Betty Livingston, long time OTA member.

Don Biehn broke out the watercolors and created this lovely piece.

Matt Linz was still working on this oil painting at the end of the evening; it's To Be Continued next Friday night when I'll be back to do a second session.


  1. Those are so awesome! I especially love the third one, but they're all lovely.

    I got a bad portrait done by a pervy Italian in Paris. Regrets, I haz them.

    (This is Verb, btw)

  2. I love the water color! That's my fav. :)

  3. Thanks, guys! I have to encourage you to go check out these artists' work. They're amazing! I feel honored; looking forward to next week's session.
