Friday, January 24, 2014

"Now is a good time."

That's the sentence I often use when I need to do anything from the dishes to the next huge painting.

Insomnia, about 6 x 6", mixed media on paper, $30. 

"Why not now?" I ask myself. "Now is good." I almost never feel like it, but now is good.

On that note, I'm off to do some grocery shopping, because today is warmish and tomorrow will be "Dante's 9th Circle of Hell" type cold, and I don't paint well when hungry, so, yeah. Now is good. In grocery shopping as in art, waiting for inspiration basically never works.

I'll have to say it all over again when I get home in an hour and have paintings to make. I wish I could say there was a point at which I no longer needed to push myself to start things, but it's looking as if the best I can do is get better at pushing. I'll report back if that begins to change.

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