Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Pony Number Eight

Her name is Fiona. I don't know much more about her, but she required a very light and sensitive hand as an artist, so I wonder if that's also how she is to ride. Such a lovely girl. This portrait is watercolor, Pitt Pastel pencils, Wolff's Carbon Pencil, and white acrylic.


  1. The reference photo was taken at our second dressage show...We started dressage because moving her in any direction was akin to steering a boat! After only a few lessons it became clear that Fiona only required the right cues (and a better rider!) and soon required only the lightest hand.

    I'm in awe of your ability to move between mediums with such ease - love this!

  2. Thanks so much!

    I switch mediums as the horse's personalities seem to require; it's actually easier for me to change it up than to try to make one medium work for everyone.

    I know the "steering a boat" feeling well. Twilight on a bad day is like steering a cement truck. But as I improve, she can be a feather instead. It's pretty remarkable.

  3. OMG LOVE LOVE LOVE this one Tracie! Can't wait for Liza!!!
