Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tiny Freight Train Sketches

Idle Tankers, above, and Hiawatha Freight Cars, below. Both 3 x 5".

Trains have something I find endlessly attractive. The heft and power of them, the strong perspective of rails and cars stretching out over the the landscape, the rhythmic sounds they make -- I fell in love as a kid and it's never changed.

Its thriving rail yards are among my favorite things about living in the Twin Cities. Freight trains were scarce in Florida; here they are a constant, energetic presence. They never fail to engage my imagination, not even when they're holding me up on my commute.

These two original watercolor sketches are available at my Etsy shop, matted to fit any standard 8 x 10" frame, at $30 each/$55 for the set of two.

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