Sunday, September 4, 2011

Goldfish (waiting for the pizza to get done)

Josephine's Goldfish, 5 x 7" pen and watercolor
Everywhere I go, I take art materials. This was at my friend Josephine Geiger's place yesterday evening; I was sketching at the edge of her little goldfish pond while we waited for our pizza order to get done.

It's my first shot at drawing fish from life as opposed to photographs, and it was fun, if difficult because they do move constantly! I went for a general characterization rather than real accuracy, which I wasn't going to get anyhow.

Josephine needs to give away some goldfish, because hers have been fruitful and multiplied, and I may be seeing a small fish tank in my future.

Update: Sold! Wow, that was fast!

More small originals available on my Etsy Shop.

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