Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Paws On Grand: Get a sketch of your dog at Wet Paint this Sunday!

Okay, your sketch won't look like Pumpkin, here, but I got your attention, right?

Your sketch will probably look a little more like this, IF your dog holds still as well as Hazel, here, did. I'll only have 10 minutes max per dog, so these will be fast and loose. 

I will be one of several artists creating on-the-spot dog portrait sketches at Wet Paint on Sunday, Aug. 7, from noon until 3 pm. This yearly sketching event is part of the joy that is Paws On Grand.

Bring your dog (or cat, or lizard, or bird -- I'm not picky), take a number, and one of us will create a drawing for you to take home. While the sketches are free, we will be accepting donations for various animal charities in the Twin Cities.

1 comment:

  1. I just love Pumpkin. Hope you have a blast and meet many awesome dogs.(cats,lizards,birds)
