Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lost Sleep and Found Objects

A preview of the smallest of the new things I made for the FUSION Showcase tonight.

Balcony, 12" h x 3.5" w. Oil paint and wax medium on found wood and metal
This piece of wood was behind Saigon Restaurant on University Ave., near the dumpster. I found it about a week ago while heading into the restaurant with a friend.

The owls are a rusted hinge I'd picked up in Tennessee, along the highway where my truck broke down. I confess I don't recall where I got the broken finial-piece that forms the balcony, except that I was in Minnesota by then and I didn't think I'd ever use the thing but, being me, I kept it a while to find out.

I've been making a lot of art and doing a lot of prep work lately and not getting much sleep. That's one of those deals you sign on for because you can't refuse -- difficult but you want to do it because showing your work is a Good Thing.

Last night I was working on a larger piece -- one of two; the first is gloriously finished, the other, not -- and I'd meant for the hinge to be part of that, as something suggesting a window shutter. But I kept seeing two creatures side by side, curious little eyes looking back at me, and I wanted to do something more whimsical with them. This is the result. I'll have it available tonight at the Fine Line event for $65. 


  1. For the longest time now my brain was somehow locked into the notion that my assemblage pieces had to be bigger than 8"x10". I have no idea why. It just hit me that I have lots of materials to make smallish pieces. Duh-uh!

    This is a delightful piece! The big 'owl' eyes staring back at me are so adorable. Lol!!

  2. Dee, I am about to post the website for Silas Finch, whose "Creatures" gallery will open up whole new worlds.
