Friday, July 8, 2011

Walker Open Field Day

Little Lantana, 4 x 4" casein on panel
Try-It Thursday at Wet Paint wasn't at Wet Paint last night, but at the Walker Art Center Open Field. I got to test out casein paints, which use milk protein for a binder and which I'm not sure I loved, though -- as always with these Try-It events -- I had a lot of fun.

My thanks to Scott and the other Walker staff and interns I met, who made the event that much better. Oh, and the Lantana flowers (modeled from a lantana in a planter near the Try-It table) went home with a man and his three young kids.

Afterward, I became a tourist: I'd never visited the sculpture garden before. Three years in the Twin Cities and  no visit to the Spoon and Cherry? I know. I took the requisite photos of that, but preferred this other piece with the gracefully leaping hare.

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