Friday, June 17, 2011

Wabasha Street Sketch, over lunch with a friend

Wabasha Street, St. Paul, 3 x 5.5" carbon pencil and watercolor by Tracie Thompson
This quick bit of fun happened because I got to the Boca Chica Taco House about ten minutes ahead of the friend I was meeting there. An artist with ten minutes and a few drawing supplies ... hm. I got most of the drawing in before she arrived, sketched the rest while we stood outside a couple minutes, then did the watercolor indoors.

Lacking water, I painted with a few drops of my Coca-Cola, which is surely not archival -- the phosphoric acid, and all -- but did make me smile.

This is another of my Tiny Moleskine Sketchbook pages. I'm liking this little book more and more.

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