Monday, June 13, 2011

Mini Minnehaha Sketches (or: What's the Worst that Could Happen?)

Okay, so I have this fantastic little Moleskine sketch book, and I mean little -- about 3.5 x 5.5", fits in my purse or the pocket of my coat.

Yesterday evening I took it and a little set of watercolors to Minnehaha Falls, just two miles from home.

I had one brush, one little pen with waterproof ink (a couple bucks at Wet Paint), and about a half cup of water I carried in one of those plastic honey-bear squeeze bottles. So this was a low-tech operation, to say the least.

I'd never attempted a waterfall drawing or painting, outside of doing them occasionally in acrylic as part of the distant landscape in various mural projects. Therefore, this little thing felt like a risk. I hesitated, then asked, what was the worst that could happen?

Answer: It might suck.

This time, it didn't -- you never see it when it does, because I don't post those -- but there is always the chance, and I always fear it at least a little, and I always have to remind myself that if it does suck, that will not in fact kill me.

It may be time to start applying that as a motto to other things in my life, things I've been afraid to try: The Worst It Can Do Is Suck. And really, how bad is that?


  1. I love your watercolors - please post more!


  2. Hi there Wombat!

    Yes, there will be more to come. I've just this afternoon done a pen drawing of some poppies in my friend's front yard, and will be adding the watercolor tonight. :-)
