Saturday, May 14, 2011

Why I Love Highland Park

Highland Park is full of flowers. That alone would make me happy.

Tulips and azaleas on Eleanor Street, Highland Park. Photo by Tracie Thompson
We also have a lot of outstanding independent businesses here, one of which is Wet Paint, now officially my Favorite Art Supply Place Ever. If you need it, or didn't even know you needed it, they either have it or will be happy to get it for you.

Yesterday I took my two pastels -- the ones I'd done at their free Try-It Thursday -- to find out what it would cost to have custom archival mats cut for them. Answer: about $3 less than it cost me last time at Giant Art Supply Chain, and less than half of the last price I got from Michael's (Public Service Announcement: Michael's and Jo-Ann's are way overpriced on mats and framing. It's how they run their constant "50% off" sales. Their ready-made frames are reasonable, but don't go there for custom work unless you like overpaying).

On that note, I need to head for the studio for the day. I'm going to drop by a florist on the way and buy myself a flower -- a peony, if they have them -- and perhaps get to know another local business in the process.

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