Sunday, May 22, 2011

Walking and Flying (rut avoidance, part three I think)

View out the Soap Factory Window, 3.5 x 5.5", ballpoint, watercolor and acrylic on paper
I liked last night's sketch enough to add some color to it today.

Good day for playing around: it's raining here, storming, lightning. Earlier, during a break in the weather, I went walking and chose another new direction. I'd already been thinking about birds and about some seeds that look to me like moth-wings -- thinking of things that fly -- when I came upon a perfectly intact balsa-wood airplane, resting right there in the street. Wet and dirty, it had clearly been out there some time, yet somehow had not been run over. It was missing nothing but the rubber band that had powered the little red propeller.

As a kid, I had probably a dozen of these, the exact same design. Naturally I picked it up and took it home. I figure I'll do with it what it was designed for: play. But on paper and canvas rather than in the backyard that I currently do not have.

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