Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pumpkin the French Bulldog, finished

Pumpkin, 10 x 8" oil on canvas, by Tracie Thompson. Click to enlarge.

Ten hours in the studio yesterday, picking up where I left off on the portrait of Pumpkin. My legs and feet are still sore from standing at the easel that long, but I just couldn't go home.

I don't know how anything is as adorable as this dog. Is this even legal?


  1. One word: awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!

    One of these days, I need to put together a bunch of Sam photos and send them to you.

  2. This is adorable. Love the look. I can just see what he's thinking.

  3. Lauri, I took this in to show the Wet Paint staff, since I had to pick up my custom mats there this morning. Walked out with my mats and a new painting student! Our first session is next Thursday at 10 a.m., so we can paint and then go get lunch.

    And I've just made a promo postcard from this painting, so I'll have it -- and the kids' room postcard I'm making up -- for Friday night's fundraiser.

  4. Tracie, this painting--which I was lucky enough to see for real--is BREATH TAKING! You might be right about it being illegal, though, tee hee!
