Saturday, March 19, 2011

Taking photos between heartbeats

When you don't have a tripod to steady the camera, and it's getting dark and you need slow shutter speeds, that's what you do. Your pulse makes your hands move (try this at home; you'll see), so you do your best to slow it down, and click the shutter in between.

Railroad with overhead walkway, looking west from Edgecumbe

Standing at the corner of Fairview and Ford, missing my WALK signal to take a picture
Now, I'm not a pro photographer. I'm a painter. But there's a lot of joy in taking a camera and going exploring; I don't have to be a genius with the lens. This was just a walk I took yesterday evening.

The puddle-reflections here had a rhythm I liked. Walking, snapping shots, and James McMurtry playing on my iPod.

Sometimes even I can't resist the cliché Full Moon and Branches thing.

Another shot I loved for its rhythm. Does anyone else notice that these trees all lean inward, over the road?


  1. Like the puddles.


  2. The puddles one is my favorite!
    And thanks for the heartbeat tip! I'm going to try it!

  3. Hi hi everyone.

    I think I'm going to head out again today and see if there's a train on the tracks. Still learning my way around over here.
