Sunday, March 6, 2011


Peppergrass, 11.5 x 8.5" pastel and pastel pencils on paper, by Tracie Thompson

Yesterday I went to WARM Coffee with the Women's Art Registry of Minnesota, and saw some great work by Patricia Olson and Carol Lee Chase (FYI to anyone interested: WARM Coffee is a great time, but no actual coffee is involved, so be sure to get your cuppa before you arrive).

The confluence of those exhibits and looking again at my good friend Jennifer Lowery's work led to the Peppergrass drawing, done last night; a companion piece for it is in progress today.

I emailed this drawing to Lauri Flaquer at Saltar Solutions, and she remarked, "For some reason it reminds me of a symphony." Thanks, Lauri. You've given me something extra to work with as I finish the next one.

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