Sunday, February 27, 2011


Dr. Sketchy is here.

Truly, I can't recall the last time I was this loose and had this much fun while drawing. This was my first Dr. Sketchy and I can't wait for the next.

Queenie in pastel pencils & pastel on paper, 11 x 8", by Tracie Thompson
I had about 20 minutes each to complete these, and I was working while sitting on a barstool, and it was so much fun, letting go of the need for it to be perfect because there simply wasn't time. 
Queenie in watercolor/mixed media on paper, 8.5 x 11.5", by Tracie Thompson
I won, too! I got the Queenie's Favorite prize for the watercolor sketch. Queenie's a great model. Man, did I mention how much fun I had?


  1. *glee*

    Those are fun, and both of them are wonderful. Queenie looks like quite the character! I can see why you won her favorite!

  2. She has the most fantastic hair this side of a John Waters film, and I mean that in the best possible way. Really open and friendly, too. I enjoyed everything about my afternoon and can't wait to do it again next month.

  3. very cool. very Toulouse-Lautrec I think. I especially like the drawing- but then I'm partial to brown

  4. Thanks! I felt rather Toulousey, in fact, and remarked upon it, although I didn't check to see if the bar stocked absinthe. I went for a Strongbow.

  5. I think the idea sounds wonderful. I'd like to see more results. I bet it is quite a scene.

  6. Dean, this was a hoot. They do it on the last Sunday of every month, and I am absolutely going back. So there will be more.

    Somewhere on the Dr. Sketchy website there is a gallery of drawings from other sessions. I haven't visited that yet, but I know the person who coordinates it here wants to use my two on the page.
