Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another, different flight

Forward (Warehouse Angel #5), oil paint and wax medium on canvas, 30 x 40"

Finished last night. Happy New Year, everyone.


  1. I love this. love love LOVE. How much??

  2. I'm in the process of figuring out pricing on it; it's quite a large piece and I only just finished it last night. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm very happy with this one and looking forward to the next in the series.

    Looking around the warehouse, I won't run out of source material for a long time.

  3. Jen, I forgot to add that this thing owes a significant debt to the years I spent as your roomie. Those seed-paintings of yours burrowed their way into my memory and the echoes continue to come out.

  4. I'm flattered- and serious. Let me know when you set a price. I realize that the size and shipping will likely be somewhat prohibitive shall we say-but if I can swing it....
