Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why you haven't seen me lately

I've been making art way out west of here, in Orono. That project with the glass elevator -- it is coming along quite well, but I've been getting home late and very tired.

Here is where I'll be today, painting the upper levels:

It's farther along than this, right now; I've got the upper panels base coated and the top of the willow tree sketched in. Will be finishing the tree and adding two kestrels today, but by the time I'm done it will be dark out and photography will be difficult. Photos to come when I'm able to get them.


  1. what little I can see around the scaffold looks good. can't wait to see the pictures when its done :)

  2. Coming right up. I have just uploaded today's photos and must size them down for the 'net.
