Thursday, December 30, 2010

Taking flight

Detail of glass elevator panel
Kestrels always make me smile, so I enjoyed this very much. Finished the job yesterday afternoon.

Full panel at upper level
Finished pathway on glass door. This is what you see when you enter the foyer of the house.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Progress shot No. 2

Still very much a work in progress. I'm enjoying the addition of some contrasting colors, and adding subtle greys and yellows to the formerly white areas.

Look for another update tomorrow morning.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

On the easel today

30 x 40" canvas in progress. Oil paint and wax medium. This is one of the Cracked Concrete series. I'll be adding a lot of translucent wax/oil layers to it.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Finished portrait: Maggie

Portrait of Maggie, 24 x 24" oil on canvas, by commission

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Work in progress: Maggie

Source photo, taken by her owner.

Work in progress as of about 3 pm, 12/22.
Plain grass backdrops are boring, yet hard to avoid when you're taking photos of something dog-sized. So that's where the artistic license comes into play, giving this a lot more depth and some sky so the dog (and the picture) can breathe.

This is very much in progress and I will update as I continue. It's due by 3 pm tomorrow! 

This dog never got the memo

The one about Pit Bulls being vicious, that is.

Portrait of Peanutbutter, 12" x 9" oil on panel
Peanutbutter is a love bug. Keeps me company while I paint at the Elevator House.

Here's the snapshot I used (took this myself) as a basis for the portrait:

I'd have preferred to take pics in a spot with plenty of nice, unbroken sunlight, but that wasn't available, so I worked with what I had.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


My friend, fellow artist Jennifer Lowery, now has a blog.

Her newest drawing:

Tiny Trojan Horse

I am utterly charmed.

Friday, December 17, 2010

More from the Elevator House

Moments after I finished painting, in the foyer of the Orono house.
This is FRESH paint -- I put down my brush and picked up my camera. If you look closely you'll see I haven't even removed my dropcloth from the floor yet.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Caffeine. It's a beautiful thing.

While working on the Elevator Project, I sampled Russian Caravan Tea sent to me by a friend. The smoky scent was very strong when I opened the box, but it brewed up rich and subtle, great with honey and a touch of cream.

Those of you who enjoy tea may like to give this a try. Strange, exotic, quickly addicting.

Kestrel Elevator

Flying Kestrel, detail of Orono elevator project. This is almost 16' above the floor of the home.

The Kestrel does have a friend, naturally.

The full results of my time on the scaffold -- a complete scene to replace the former view into a dim, bare elevator shaft.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Why you haven't seen me lately

I've been making art way out west of here, in Orono. That project with the glass elevator -- it is coming along quite well, but I've been getting home late and very tired.

Here is where I'll be today, painting the upper levels:

It's farther along than this, right now; I've got the upper panels base coated and the top of the willow tree sketched in. Will be finishing the tree and adding two kestrels today, but by the time I'm done it will be dark out and photography will be difficult. Photos to come when I'm able to get them.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Florida in January!

That's where I will be, working with my good friend Martha Dodd on a mural project in the first half of January.

I will be sure to post photos. This is going to be so much fun. I don't miss Florida too much but I do miss my friends and family, and January? Good time to be there and not in Minneapolis.

Hazards of Moving

I now have TWO parking tickets from the City of St. Paul, within the last month.

This is because I am a noob who hadn't figured out the rules yet.


I do love it here, though.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The charm of little things

I've got a big, vintage peep-hole window in the door at this new apartment. This is because it's a 1920s building (and makes me feel as if Jeeves and Wooster might show up at my door at any moment).

The design of the tiny window-shutter is so charming. I am going to use it as the basis for a piece of art.

So what's in your world that inspires you or makes you smile? A chair, a cat or dog, an inherited teacup, a pair of old boots? Think about it, notice it. Being creative isn't just about making things; it's also in what we choose to see.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Screwy Little Houses

Screwy Little Houses, found wood pieces, oil paint and wax medium, about 7" high

This is what it looks like when I am purely playing and having fun. These bits of wood were half-buried in the late October leaf litter near ACVR Warehouse in St. Paul. I dug them out, thrilled to find three in one spot, immediately thinking of tiny houses.

They're now at Anita Sue Kolman Gallery at the Northrup King Building, at $35 each or $90 for the set of three. Designed as a group, they hang on a wall and cheerfully keep each other company; I hope they will go on to brighten up a small space for someone this winter.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Anita Sue Kolman Gallery has my art for the holidays!

Several pieces of my original art, starting at just $35, are now available at Anita Sue Kolman Gallery in the Northrup King Building. Come out Saturday 12/4, 12/11 and 12/18 from noon to 4.  I'll be there from 1:00 to 2:00; hope to see you!

Pear Squares #1 and #2, 6 x 6" oil on panel, $50 each. Below, Pleasant Company, one of two Happy Pomegranate paintings, 9 x 12" oil on panel.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Outward Bound

Someday, I'd like to teach workshops on making salvage art.

Outward Bound, 7 x 9" found objects, oil paint, wax medium. By Tracie Thompson, Nov. 2010

This is one of the broken-windchime bluebirds from my grandmother's backyard in La Belle, FL. The breaker box window, I found near an abandoned building in the Everglades, along the old Tamiami Trail.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hopkins Honda Part Deux!

Detail of Finance Office window. I had such a good time with this.
Scene on the Finance Office window
Entry doors to the Service Area.
Next time I'm in the market for a vehicle, I'll look here first. The people at Hopkins Honda are great, and you can tell they really love working with each other. I always enjoy my time there.