Monday, October 11, 2010

Show News, Classes, and Railroads, oh my!

As part of my prep for some large paintings I have planned, I went sketching & photographing freight cars today.

Hopkins Freight Cars, 9" x 12" pencils and watercolor, by Tracie Thompson. Oct. 11, 2010

This is prep work for my upcoming show at Robbin Gallery in January 2011.

My drawing classes at Bloomington Art Center begin again on Oct. 27th! I have both introductory and intermediate classes available. 

Meanwhile, finishing a few animal portrait commissions and taking on a small custom finishing job for Mary Mackmiller at Mackmiller Design + Build.  Oh, and drinking plenty of espresso, because Art Crawl was so much fun it wore me out! I finished four paintings in those three days.

Anyone who wants to see work in progress should plan to come out for the Spring Art Crawl, when I'll be doing the same thing, working and chatting with everyone.

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