Saturday, January 23, 2010

Portrait of Rio

10" x 8" oil on canvas, from a photo I took (in the snow a couple weeks ago; I changed the background).

I am offering this size and style of portrait at only $100, for orders placed by Feb. 28, 2010. After that, the price will increase to $125.


  1. hi its me-I think my first attempt at posting this evaporated. I'm your first "follower" haha jen

  2. yes it is The jen. and I'm having the worst time getting this to post. all my accounts are set up halfway and I can't keep straight what i'm doing. grr

  3. I'm tying to gat this thing set up, but now I have no idea how I got the first one posted. I finally got my baby computer(still unnamed) and it's slow going getting my online kingdom set up. send email to will probably be easiest
