Thursday, September 24, 2009

Railroad Flowers

Railroad Flowers, 36" x 48" oil paint and wax medium on canvas.

This was created specifically to go on display and for sale at Riehl Designs in Wayzata, MN. While the colors and size of the piece were tailored for Shelly Riehl's studio interior, the inspiration is personal; I enjoy walking along the tracks, where the rhythm of ties and rails comes together with the turn of the seasons and the fascinating variety of plants and flowers. There's an energy about the place that draws me to it.

Technical notes: I'm using Dorland's Wax Medium, and I love the stuff. It allows me to create layer upon layer of translucent color, giving a depth and life that are difficult to achieve with anything else other than traditional encaustic. And while I'd love to do encaustic, I haven't got the space I'd need for that. Dorland's is a much simpler, cleaner alternative.

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