Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This just in: Swine flu is NO FUN.

I've been pretty much flattened for a week now. Mental function practically nonexistent.

This, however, cheers me up tremendously:


The other vids from the Muppet Studios folks are lots of fun, too, but I've been wanting a Muppet version of this song for ... enough years to qualify me for Serious High-Level Dorkdom.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


On Sunday, 11/15, I went to Tea with Tarts and Tartuffe, an outing organized by Twin Cities TOSCA. Their events are always a lot of fun, and I got to learn a little about Moliere and watch a collegiate production of Tartuffe, which was a hoot.

The sketches are about 3" x 5", done in ballpoint pen in my little Moleskine notebook during the play. I was very taken with the costumes ans characters, so I did my best to catch a little of the feeling of them, and these are the results.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Fruitiness!

Pleasant Company (Happy Pomegranates #2), oil on panel, 9" x 12"

Finished early this afternoon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fresh produce

Above, Happy Pomegranates, oil on panel, 9" x 12".

Below, Pear Friends, oil on panel, 18" x 18", by commission.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Extremely Minnesota Show!

Three of my pieces have been accepted into the annual Extremely Minnesota juried show at Robbin Gallery!

Opening reception is this Sunday, Nov. 8th, from 2 to 4 pm.

Hope to see you there! I saw some of the other submissions when I entered my pieces, and the quality was outstanding. I'm honored to have been included.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Workshop announcement

I have a painting workshop scheduled!

Turn Your Photos into Paintings

Saturday, Nov. 21st, 10:30 am - 4:30 pm at Maple Grove Arts Center, Maple Grove, MN.

You bring a photo you love, and I'll show you how to transform it into an original, expressive painting in oil or acrylic. Some painting experience is helpful, but beginners are welcome.

$65 tuition; bring your own materials.

Examples of the process, workshop outline, and materials list are HERE.

Drawings from the weekend

Below, a drawing I made yesterday around 5:30 pm, standing near the lake. I really love this tree, and have been looking at it for most of the year. I've already started a small painting based on this sketch.

The other drawing is from Saturday afternoon. I spent the weekend at my friend's house, babysitting Greyhounds while she and her husband were out of town. One of the things I enjoy is the chance to draw the dogs, who are such fantastic models. This is a sketch of Biscuit, who moved before I could finish her face properly. I still like the drawing.